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Using Data to Increase Checkout Conversions - In-Store



Summary: Retailers and grocers want to streamline the in-store checkout experience and increase conversions. Diebold Nixdorf’s Carl von Sydow tells Karen Webster from transaction data can help firms find the optimal checkout footprint that fits, on a case by case basis.  Resources: Blogs: Relevant Retail - the New Norm Retail Self-Service: Today, it's WAY More than Self-Checkout Website: Diebold Nixdorf Previous Carl Von Sydow Podcast: Empower Your Retail Customers Transcription:  Karen Webster:                00:12                     Hey Carl, thanks for joining me today. I'm looking forward to having a conversation about data, in-store point of sale, and the insights that retailers can glean from that data. So thanks for making the time. Carl von Sydow:                00:29                     You're welcome, no problem. I'm happy to be here. Karen Webster:                00:31                     So, there's been so much written and discussed about improving the checkout experience in the