Commerce Now

Technology Has Come A Long Way, But What does the Future Hold?



Summary:  Guest Ben Hammersley speaks on his take on how you need to be present today, so you can be future ready for tomorrow. Resources: Hammersley Futures Website Ben Hammersley LinkedIn Profile Diebold Nixdorf Website Transcription: Amy Lombardo:                00:14                     Hello and welcome to COMMERCE NOW, your source for  FinTech conversations and emerging trends. Today, I have the unique pleasure of talking with Ben Hammersley. He's a globe Trotter and an author an adventure seeker, and he has the most wicked handlebar mustache you've ever seen. And today he's going to give us his take on how you need to be present now so you can be future ready. Sounds easy. Right? Well wrong. Let's get Ben's thoughts. So, Hey, welcome... Ben Hammersley:            00:56                     Thank you. Such a pleasure to be on COMMERCE NOW. Amy Lombardo:                                                Oh good. Thank you for that plug. All right, so I'm not gonna be able to do you justice. So why don't yo