Commerce Now

REPLAY: Self-Service Retail - Shifting Expectations



In honor of International Podcast Day, enjoy a blast from the past. Back to 2018 when COMMERCE NOW podcast began.  Overview: Self-service checkout technology is transforming the way Americans think about customer service. Not long ago, good customer service meant properly training sales associates to assist shoppers in need. Now, more and more companies are shifting to tech-based customer service. As of Q2 2018, 95 percent of American consumers had encountered at least one form of self-service retail and 49 percent used them on a weekly basis at the supermarket. In this episode, PYMNTS in collaboration with Diebold Nixdorf, examine survey data collected from 2,170 American shoppers on their experiences with and impressions of self-service retail checkout options.   Resources: Visit Retail Self Service on     Link to Self-Service Report   Blogs:  From Self-Checkout to Self-Service: The Retail Evolution: the-retail-evolu