Commerce Now

Kiosks and the Self-Service Consumer Journey



Summary: In this special episode, COMMERCE NOW teams up with Kiosk Marketplace to discuss Self-Service Kiosks and how they are quickly becoming ubiquitous with museums and airports using them for years and McDonald’s successful push in the QSRs industry. Now add the convergence of consumer preference for self-service, COVID related avoidance of human to human interaction and retailers automating tasks to free staff for more involved duties and you have self-service kiosks truly hitting its stride.  Related Content:  Video: QSR drives Seamless Checkout  QSR Infographic K-TWO Kiosk: Offer Customers a Transformed In-Store Experience Related Links: LinkedIn Profiles- Carl Von Sydow Elliot Maras Transcription: Elliot Maras:                       00:16                     Welcome to Kiosks and the Self-Service Consumer Journey. I'm Elliot Maras, the editor of Kiosk Marketplace. Joining me today is Carl von Sydow, director of Self-Service for the Americas at Diebold Nixd