Commerce Now

Modernize Your C-Store Retail Network



Summary: In this episode of COMMERCE NOW we discuss fuel and convenience and how things have changed and continue to change and what fuel and convenience retailers need to do to keep up with these changes. Related Content:  What are your Shopper's Thinking? Nielsen Survey: Retail Personas Related Links: LinkedIn Profiles - Jerry Langfitt Reint Jan Holterman Transcription: Jerry Langfitt:                     00:14                     Well, everyone. Thank you for joining us today. I would like to welcome today's guest RJ Holterman. Who works with a fuel and convenience group at Diebold Nixdorf. Welcome RJ, thanks for joining me today. RJ Holterman:                    00:24                     Thank you, Jerry. Thanks for having me today, I'm looking forward to this conversation Jerry Langfitt:                     00:29                     Today, we're going to talk about fuel and convenience and how everything has changed and how everything is still changing. And what fuel and convenienc