Commerce Now

Know Your Shopper Types for Customer Journeys



Summary: In this episode of COMMERCE NOW, Anja Popp and Bill Inzeo help you get to know your shopper types and offer the right customer journey. Related Content: Related Links: LinkedIn Profiles - Anja Popp Bill Inzeo Transcription:  Jerry:                     Hello everyone and thanks for listening in. I would like to welcome today's guest Bill Inzeo Product and Solutions Global Strategy for Zebra Technologies. Welcome Bill. Thanks for joining me today. Bill Inzeo:            Thank you for having me. Jerry:                     And we're also fortunate to [00:00:30] have Anja Popp with us. Anya is our senior analyst in Market Intelligence here at Diebold Nixdorf. Thank you Anya for joining us. Anja Popp:          Thank you, Jerry. It's my pleasure to be here. Jerry:                     So let's get started. Retail in the shopping experience has changed tremendously during to