Kids Healthcast

Episode 4: Healthcare Reform, Teenage Smoking, Fighting Colds Without Medication, ADHD, and Medical Trivia



This month, we discuss healthcare reform and how it will affect children, the ongoing problem of teenage smoking and signs your child might be a smoker, ADHD, and fighting colds without medication.  We also answer last month's trivia question: where does the word "Vaccination" come from?   Time -- Topic 2:15 -- Healthcare Reform  5:33 -- Teenage smoking 11:16 -- Fighting colds without medication  13:00 -- ADD and ADHD  16:43 -- Medical Trivia: Where does the word "vaccination" come from?    Links mentioned in the show:  Resource for parents of children with ADHD and other medical conditions.    1-800-QUIT-NOW: Tobacco quit line (free).  Listen now: Kids Healthcast Episode 4 //