The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

436: The Five Drivers Of Leadership Success



There are many things which lead to successful leadership.  You might have hit a purple patch in the market and things are going swimmingly.  Five Star Hotels in Japan, prior to the pandemic were doing brilliantly with very high occupancy rates and the General Managers looked like rock stars. Covid hit and closed the border, locked everyone up at home and desperation was the order of the day for the hospitality and tourism industries.  Or you might have inherited a bunch of well trained stars, thanks to your immediate predecessor.  We all hope for good business conditions and a good crew.  Hope however isn’t much of a strategy.   When it is down to us, what do we need to do? For leaders there are some key areas where we need to concentrate our time, energy and strength.  There are Five Drivers of Leadership Success which help us to be effective leaders.  Let’s go through them. Self Direction Leaders are self directed, have a vision and set clear goals.  They are self sufficient.  They know what they are acc