Natalie Setareh Makeup Artist & Beauty Coach

How to Stay Centered and Humble in the Beauty Industry - The Amazing Nicky Posley [ep34]



As many of you know or might expect, the beauty industry is a fast-paced environment with high expectations. Managing all aspects of clientele, education, and your own business can quickly become overwhelming. Cultivating the ability to find your center and maintain inner peace is essential to your success and growth, no matter what industry you are in. Celebrity Makeup Artist and Educator Nicky Posley shares his insights on how to navigate growing in a competitive field while maintaining your boundaries and providing unparalleled service to your clients. Nicky Posley's journey into makeup began through a strong fascination with the transformative power of beauty art and fashion. A fine artist first, Nicky experimented with many visual art forms, eventually finding the medium he felt most at home with. He is both a working artist, and a respected educator of his craft. He believes that makeup is art, and that art is empowerment. Whether it be slick and modern or primitive and rudimentary, art can evoke emotio