Zera Today With Pastor Lorenzo Neal

Donda & Manson, Theology of Ugliness, and Q Anon Craziness



As if 2021 cannot get any stranger, there was plenty happening the last several days to make the world shake. Kanye West holds his first Sunday service since releasing his Donda album earlier this year. Pastor John Piper of Desiring God ministries explains how God uses ugliness as a grace gift. Finally, firm believers in Q Anon crowded the streets of downtown Dallas with the hopes of seeing a resurrected JFK, Jr and a restored Trump presidency. Join Dr. Neal as he discusses this and other topics of the day.   www.lorenzotneal.com Show sponsors are www.skillshare.com  Legalshield www.legalshield.com Become a patron-www.patreon.com/LorenzoTNeal