Purple Patch Podcast

09 Ed Baker - An Executive's Thirst for Self-Improvement



Ed Baker has most certainly lived an accomplished and fulfilling life. He was captain of his cross country team at Harvard and then went on to Stanford School of Business. While there, he trained and ran in the Olympic Marathon Trials in 2007. Baker’s business credentials are also rather impressive, serving as Head of International Growth at Facebook and then VP of Growth and Product at Uber until the Spring of 2017. What more could one person want to accomplish? What could possibly be next for this elite performer? Triathlon, of course! Ed recently joined the Purple Patch team under the personal direction of Matt Dixon and this conversation takes place while Ed was at the recent Purple Patch Pro Camp in Scottsdale.  Yes, Dixon threw this triathlon newbie to the professional wolves and they had a feast.  They also came away with many insights and lessons for any high-performing individual, and these are the nuggets that Matt and Ed discuss so thoroughly in today’s episode, including the: Benefits of maintain