Purple Patch Podcast

17 Brad Stulberg - Achieving Global Performance Improvement



Click Here for Peak Performance Cheat Sheets!   Brad Stulberg has been in the spotlight a lot recently. Last Fall, his book, “Peak Performance,” written with co-Author, Steve Magness, captivated the attention of many an endurance athlete. I mean, who wouldn’t be captivated with a subtitle like, “Elevate your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success?” Most recently, however, this speaker and regular columnist at Outside Magazine, has garnered attention in a much different way. In March, Stulberg, in an article entitled, “When a Stress Expert Battles Mental Illness,” opened up about his sudden and terrifying diagnosis with a rare mental illness known as Pure O. Pure O, it turns out, is a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder without the physical manifestations of the illness that many know. This display of vulnerability has opened the door to even deeper conversations about performance, success, fulfillment, and happiness. That’s where this conversation with Matt Dixon picks up. Yes, they