Purple Patch Podcast

20 Functional Strength - Your Critical Performance Partner



To unlock and view the Free Purple Patch strength resources, visit, https://purplepatchfitness.com/freeresources    In previous episodes, Matt has discussed Endurance Planning, Nutrition and Recovery. Today, he dives deep into the Fourth Pillar of Performance: Functional Strength and its role within the scope of endurance activity. He tells the story of Purple Patch athlete, Jenny, a 46-year-old veteran triathlete who is struggling with a performance plateau. After absorbing the “whys” and “hows” of a year-round functional strength routine and incorporating it into her training schedule, you guessed it, Jenny busts through her plateaus and starts to see gains - not just in performance, but in overall health, posture, and performance confidence. This critical performance partner incorporates mobility, stability, and strength to improve the movements necessary for sports-specific performance gains. In addition to the case study of Jenny, Matt also outlines the headline news and many benefits of functional stren