Purple Patch Podcast

22 Jordan Ouida - Boston to Big Sur - Marathon Training On Just Three Runs Per Week



Matt introduces us to Purple Patch athlete, Jordan Ouida. Ouida, based in Manhattan, is a husband, father, financial executive, marathoner and triathlete.  And, as you’ll hear in this episode, has successfully integrated sport into life with a little “out-of-the-box” thinking. Matt explores Jordan’s evolution in training and how he has managed to navigate and excel in his multisport career. In fact, Ouida recently ran two marathons, Boston and Big Sur, just two weeks apart, on a recipe of just three runs per week. Guess what? He requalified for Boston in 2019! In this conversation with coach and athlete, you’ll learn the benefits of swimming and biking for run performance and how, as triathletes, run training cannot be designed in isolation. Triathlon is swim-bike-run. It’s not just three sports. It is one sport with three disciplines. Sometimes you have to turn traditional marathon training on its head in order to integrate training successfully into your life and still yield performance.   By Jordan Ouida’s