Purple Patch Podcast

45 The Magic Happens in the Post-Season



Download our Sample Post-Season Workouts There couldn’t be a more valuable part of the season to make fundamental groundwork changes to who you are as an athlete.  Purple Patch views the post-season as perhaps THE most important block of training which includes preparation for the heavy lifting ahead, technical and skills development, and critical ‘building block’ work of good habits that pave the way for greater yields from the training that will come later.  Consider it as the first part of your annual performance journey, and the absolute bedrock and foundation of your construction project as an athlete.  In this episode, Matt Dixon dispels myths around this phase by talking about two real-life Purple Patch athletes and how they've traditionally approached post-season. A small shift in focus yielded much improvement for the next season. How important is post-season? What is the mission of post-season and what is your mindset? What type of workouts should you do? These topics and more are built into this