Purple Patch Podcast

47 Child's Play - FUNdamental Lessons from Youth Development in Sport



Take a moment to revisit your childhood. Do you recall spending hours on end riding your bike around the neighborhood, exploring backyards for unknown treasures, splashing in the pool with your friends, or playing in the snow without thought or fear of the cold? Ahhh…the glory days of childs’ play. Hopefully, you engaged in a variety of activities, both structured and unstructured. You likely played soccer, or little league, or swam on your swim team. With luck, those days provided positive memories and awarded many positive traits that you carry with you today related to teamwork, leadership, creativity, passion, resilience and the importance of failure. Yes, the importance of failure. That is the framework for Matt’s highly personal episode this week about childhood development in sports: the value of sports for children, setting up your kids for long-term performance, and the mindset and approach to being a supporting parent in their journey. Matt takes on this important topic from three perspectives: as a