Enterprise Java Newscast

Episode 12 - Dec 2012



Kito, Ian, and Daniel cover new releases from SpringSource, PrimeFaces, ICEfaces, Apache, JBoss, and Liferay. They also discuss the pros and cons of the new Spring Migration Analyzer, as well as Getting Things Done and Pomodoro Technique. New Releases Spring News Spring Framework 3.2 goes GA Introducing Spring Scala Spring Security 3.2.0.M1 Released Spring Social Yammer 1.0.0 Released Spring for Android 1.0.1 Released Cloud Foundry Maven Plug-in version 1.0.0.M4 Released Spring Migration Analyzer PrimeFaces News PrimeUI 0.4 Released Featuring Lightbox  - Background on PrimeUI PrimeFaces vs PrimeFaces PRO Custom Content in Menubar PrimeUI 0.3 Released PrimeUI Panel Widget ICEfaces News ICEfaces 3.2.0 released (Nov 2) ICEmobile 1.2 released (Dec 12) Apache News MyFaces Core v2.1.10 Release MyFaces Core v2.0.16 Release Apache Tomcat 7.0.34 released Release of Apache MyFaces Extensions Validator 1.2.6 and 2.0.6 Apache Rave 0.18 release Apache Syncope 1.0.4   Apache Nutch 1.6 Released Apache TomEE JBo