Enterprise Java Newscast

Episode 16 - Jul 2013



Kito, Ian, and Daniel cover new releases from SpringSource, PrimeFaces, ICEsoft, JBoss, IBM, Oracle, and TypeSafe. They also try out recording the newscast using Google Hangouts instead of Skype. New Releases   Spring News Spring-AMQP 1.2.0 Release Candidate is Now Available! Spring Social Facebook 1.0.3 Released Spring XD 1.0 Milestone 1 Released SPRING BATCH 2.2.0.RELEASE IS NOW AVAILABLE SPRING TOOL SUITE AND GROOVY/GRAILS TOOL SUITE 3.3.0.M2 RELEASED Spring Integration 3.0 milestone 2 TcServer 2.9.2 is now available PrimeFaces PrimeFaces Starter Book JSF 2.2 Pass Through Attributes New Component: Fragment Show Message in a Dialog Dialog Framework PrimeFaces Elite 3.5.7 Released ICEsoft ICEmobile 1.3 released Apache Apache Archiva 1.4-M4 released Apache PDFBox 1.8.2 released Apache Jackrabbit 2.6.2 released Apache S4 0.6.0-incubating release Apache Chemistry OpenCMIS 0.9.0 released MyFaces Core v2.1.12 Release Apache CloudStack 4.1.0 Released Apache Log4j-2.0-beta7 released Apache Nutch 2.2 Released Ap