Enterprise Java Newscast

Episode 25 - Feb 2015



Kito and Daniel cover new releases from HighFaces, GISFaces, Spring, Java SE/ME, WebSphere, Arquillian, Apache, and more. They also discuss Microsoft’s new Spartan browser and Pivotal’s decision to stop sponsoring Groovy and Grails. UI Tier HighFaces 1.0 GISFaces 1.4 Esprima 2.0 Released Project Avatar Update Microsoft’s new Spartan Browser Persistence Tier Spring XD 1.1 GA and 1.0.4 released Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.1 Released Spring Integration Kafka Extension 1.0.GA is available Infinispan 7.1.0 Final Released Services (Middleware & Microservices) Tier OmniSecurity IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile Beta with Tools - February Misc Arquillian Core 1.1.7.Final Released Apache Tika 1.7 Released HttpComponents Client 4.4 GA Released Apache Allura 1.2.0 released Git 2.3 has been released Java SE 8 update 31, SE 7 and SE Embedded Java ME Embedded 8.1 Released Discussion http://www.quora.com/Why-is-Pivotal-ending-the-sponsorship-of-Groovy-and-Grails http://www.businessinsider.com/ibm-layoffs-are