Enterprise Java Newscast

Episode 36 - Oct 2017



Due to a variety of circumstances (including the move to Libsyn for hosting), this episode is being posted late. It was originally recorded in September, 2017. In this episode, Kito, Danno, and Ian discuss the Equifax hack (caused by an unpatched version of Struts), news from the Polymer Summit, Oracle’s donation of Java EE to Eclipse, Docker in-depth, and more. UI Tier Equifax hack: Using Struts and they did not patch. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2017/09/massive-equifax-breach-caused-by-failure-to-patch-two-month-old-bug/ https://www.rapid7.com/db/vulnerabilities/apache-struts-cve-2017-5638 Resolution 1:  https://struts.apache.org/docs/s2-045.html Resolution 2:  https://struts.apache.org/docs/s2-046.html Polymer 3 Announced - Move to NPM and ES6 Ionic releases Stencil - Web Components Compiler PrimeReact 1.0.0-Final Released Java EE Oracle donates Java EE to Eclipse Foundation Microprofile.io - Standard for Java EE-based microservices Vavr.io - functional library for Java 8/9  Oth