Enterprise Java Newscast

Episode 41. on Java EE Guardians, Jakarta EE vs Microprofile, JDK 13, and JavaFX.



So first, a big Welcome for the "Enterprise Java Newscast" to joining the "Pub House Network", a series of podcast and content created by developers for developers. Everyone is happy about the partnership and we can expect Enterprise Java Newscast great content as always. Joining on this episode is a new pundit, but known in the Java OffHeap podcast world and proud Java EE Guardian, Josh Juneau! Both Kito and Josh waste no time discussing Jakarta EE, Guardians, Microprofile and what it all means for Enterprise Java. We also dive into new platform releases (JDK 13 is out, and JDK 14 is EA). In all a great episode as we kickstart a new season. Stay tuned and subscribe! We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode UI Tier Lit-html 1.1.2 Other Lit-element Lightning Web Components PrimeNG Liferay Faces Java EE/Jakarta EE Java EE Guardians Survey #3 Discussion - MicroProfile specs as part of Jakarta EE Platform JDK 13 EA build 33 (First release candidate) Available https://twitter.com/OpenJDK/