Enterprise Java Newscast

Stack 49



Recorded Date 8/28/2020 Description The gang is back for another jam-packed episode! Josh, Kito, Daniel, and Ian catch up with a quick chat about Zoom fatigue and virtual school, and then dive into news about TypeScript, say goodbye to IE 11, and welcome WebComponents in every browser. We discuss new Java microservice framework releases for MicroProfile, Micronaut, and Helidon. Daniel wonders if it’s possible to create a new programming language without major financial backing, and everyone discusses Apple Silicon, macOS Big Sur, layoffs at Mozilla, and the JetBrains State of Developer Ecosystem survey. We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode COVID-19 Virus Tier Outbreak Dashboard Virtual school Zoom fatigue How to combat UI Tier TypeScript 4.0 Released AirBnB releases TypeScript migration tool Opting in to Angular CLI strict mode PrimeNG 10 Begins Microsoft to drop support for IE11 Chromium rolls out SameSite cookie update WebComponents supported natively in every browser! Server S