Enterprise Java Newscast

COVID as the new normal (and new releases)



Recorded Date 9/3/2021 Description Another great episode with the entire band -- Kito, Daniel, Ian, and Josh. They discuss COVID as the new normal, NetBeans, Kotlin, IntelliJ, PrimeBlocks, Java 17 (including Spring’s announcement), Docker requiring subscriptions, and other stuff, too. COVID-19 Virus  The new normal? What does that look like for work going forward? Tools and Tech NetBeans 12.5 on Beta 3 https://github.com/apache/netbeans/milestone/13?closed=1 What's New in IntelliJ IDEA - 2021.2 Hell yeah! Spring is going JDK 17 full-force, dragging JDK 8 devs kicking and screaming into the future! Kotlin 1.5.30:   Docker Desktop Now Requires Paid Subscription   UI Tier  PrimeVue 3.7.0 Released PrimeNG 12.1.0 Released Announcing PrimeBlocks For PrimeFaces Server Side Java Jakarta EE 10 Timeline Now Available  Java Core Layrry - A Launcher and API for Modularized Java Applications  Misc https://typelevel.org - Let the Scala compiler work for you. We provide type classes, instances, conversions, t