Grey Matters Now

Grey Matters Now - 08 Am I The Only One? My Child Is Self Harming with Jessica Kimbrough And Tina Page LCSW



Am I the only one, am I a bad parent, should I have seen this coming, who can I share this with, who can I talk to that won’t judge us, how do I handle this, where can we go for help…? These seem to be a common theme of questions parents ask when they discover their child is self-harming and or struggling with mental health issues. Although every family, family dynamic, and mental health struggle is completely unique, it may help to listen to others that have or are going through similar issues and difficulties. It may help to know that this can happen to anyone and that you are not alone. It may also be beneficial to listen to the resources and coping strategies that worked and did not work for them and provide you with some hope. This is a complex issue and there is no quick fix. Hopefully you will hear something that resonates with you and that you and your family may be able to implement into your recipe for healing and balance through this journey. It really is all about finding the right balance for you