Grey Matters Now

Grey Matters Now 09 - Ingredients To Fuel Our Wellness with Erica Fowler



Grey Matters Now Episode 9 : Ingredients to fuel our wellness with Erica Fowler Are we really what we eat? Does what we consume really have an impact on not only us but the planet and society? The answer is yes - what we consume becomes the ingredients that create overall and comprehensive wellness. This is one person’s story of self-discovery and a holistic health journey. Everyone has their unique path they are on but it may help to hear what is in someone else’s tool box. “I am passionate about conscious living through simple practices that eliminate stress and help create a balanced lifestyle. I want you to find more energy, feel comfortable in your skin, and enjoy life!” -Erica Fowler Erica began a career in modeling while she was in college and she realized quickly how certain people treated their bodies to look a certain way. She enjoyed the experiences of runways in LA but also had other dreams to pursue. It was not until life threw her a few curve balls in her early twenties, that she re-aligned with