Grey Matters Now

Grey Matters Now -Episode 12 Part 2 Transformation and Growth / Navigating Through Rough Terrain, Tides and Life with Jaysea Devoe - Child of the Tide



The ocean has really inspired me — it's always moving and changing; going and flowing. I just think that's so awesome. It's always different than it was the day before. – Jaysea Devoe Individually, we are one drop but together, we are an ocean… Two years later, to the date, I sat down and recorded a second part to Jaysea’s story. A LOT changes, grows, and evolves for teenagers in a year or two and she is no exception. In the last 2 years Jaysea has pioneered extreme expeditions, been in two movies, has been seeking out and surrounding herself with strong females that she refers to as mentors and fearless females and, after being home schooled most of her life, decided to enroll herself in public school for her senior year to, in her words, “feel like a regular teenager”. She decided she wanted to discuss HER stories that only others and the media have presented so far. She has been through so much I just let her jump in and start talking and let her take whichever direction felt most important and natural to