Grey Matters Now

Episode 17: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times : Harmony at Home & Work through Ayurveda With Katy Bray and Zeb Severson



Every individual is unique. Every organizational ecosystem is unique. Building trust and mutual understanding through the understanding of our unique temperaments: Ayurveda is one of the world’s oldest medical systems, originating in India over 3,000 years ago. The term Ayurveda translates to “wisdom of life,” combining the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). As a medical tradition, the practice of Ayurveda brings the body in balance to heal itself. However, its holistic principles can also be applied to the unique psychological and physiological elements of individuals as well as to the collective ecosystems of organizations. Cultivating a conscious balance of these elements brings greater vitality, well-being, creativity, and happiness. The elements of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Space offer accessible metaphors for learning how our personal qualities, motivations, and behaviors shape how we relate and engage with others. Designed and developed from decades of applied learning, obse