Duncan Macpherson - From The Field

The Franchise Ready Advisor Podcast



The Resilient Advisor Podcast with Jay Coulter - How Financial Advisors Can Build A Franchise Ready Business With Duncan MacPherson. We discuss the Framework For Building A Critical Path To Franchise Readiness: 1. Why: Demography and Commoditization 2. Who: Demographics, Proteges and The Remnant 3. How: The 6 Month Process For 'Re-framing' Cracking The Code: 1. Wealth Management Process 2. Practice Management Process 3. Relationship Management Process The Advisor Fit Process: How to make sure an acquisition/merger target is the right fit for your business. The Rule of Three: Anything that you do 3 or more times that has 3 or more steps needs to be systematized. The Complete Family Office (CFO) Model: How to build a Relationship Management Branding Strategy.