Talk, Tales And Trivia

Our Class System / India's Caste System - Are They Different?



In this episode, I talk about the “Caste System” of India and how it relates to our present-day “Class System” here in American and in most of the western world. We all are part of the “Class-System” in our country, which is the socio-economic hierarchy that has made America, America. No matter where you are in our class structure, did you know that you have the ability to see yourself moving ahead without thinking about which socio-economic class you fall into? It’s true! Take advantage of all the many technological resources that we have today to learn, grow, and become successful at whatever you want. See yourself being exactly who you want to be regardless of a “Class” or “Caste” label. And know for sure that you can be anyone you want to be no matter where you are in our society. Learn a few enlightening facts to stump your family and friends. It's so much fun! ALSO...push that PURPLE BUTTON on your iPhone (come know the button...the one that kind of looks like a weird microphone) to SUBSCRIBE a