Your Mileage May Vary

Breeding Material



I'm really, really, like extraordinarily interested in my own penis. I think this is likely normal, though I'm not sure. I'm cautiously optimistic it will be rendered with the proper dimensions and emotion in Zuckerberg's Metaverse. The problem is that it would just get censored. If there's one thing I know about social media, it's that sex and genitals don't exist there. That's one way social media makes all our lives way, way better. Anyway, another listener complained that we aren't something-or-other enough for her taste, blah, blah, blah. We discuss it a bit, but mostly she just needs to learn better argumentation tactics. People are too used to not having to defend their opinions these days. Back to business: It's unclear whether the women on the breedingmaterial subreddit even could procreate without gaining some weight (see for yourself below). One questioner's cock is too hard. Another's is too soft. For reference, ladies, mine is "just right." Here are some links relating to the subreddit we review