Insights With Trent Munday

Facebook‘s Rebranding to Meta - ‘First To Mind‘ Is Everything #1429



Facebook is rebranding its parent company (not the Facebook app) to in Metaverse. Just as Google did a few years back when they created the new 'alphabet' brand for their parent company, Facebook has decided that their name doesn't reflect all the things that they do. Announcing the change, Zuckerberg said, "Over time, I hope that we are seen as a metaverse company and I want to anchor our work and our identity on what we're building towards". It's a clever move because it now means that this company will effectively 'own' the brand of the 'metaverse' in the mind of the consumer. When you think will naturally think first of Meta. First-to-Market is nice. But First-to-Mind is everything! #meta #metaverse #rebranding