Heal Endometriosis Naturally With Wendy K Laidlaw

# 112 - Alicia Patterson - Pelvic Health Expert & Somatic Counsellor



Listen to Wendy interview the lovely Alicia Patterson from the USA who is one of the world's leading experts and top somatic therapists in women's pelvic health. Using a holistic and sensitive approach to women based on her own experience, Alicia enables women to embrace and understand their bodies better and uncover the messages it is telling them. Alicia Patterson is a Licensed Professional Somatic Counsellor and Pelvic Health Therapist helping women process stored trauma through body-based therapeutic healing. She has also studied with Dance Movement Therapist and Body Psychotherapy, as well as a Licensed Massage Therapist and Pelvic Floor Therapy. Alicia runs a thriving practice, works locally in Colorado, digitally and travelling, teaches training, facilitates events and women’s groups, and more. To learn more about Alicia’s area of expertise in helping women go to https://www.alicianpatterson.com   #AliciaPatterson #