Badass Bands

Sifting Through the Noise 08.01.18



This week Jo and Jordan go rogue! Campylobacter jejuni has laid our proposed guest low and we wish them the very best as they recuperate but they will be with us next week for our big Echo Park Rising show! If you like what we are doing please like, share, subscribe or create a strand of bacteria whose wildly waggling flagella resemble our URL when viewed through a microscope. We are a virus worth catching and sharing. Music featured in this week’s episode: SLUGS “I’m on fire” Bones Muhroni “The Real Life” GospelBeach “Dreamin’” THe Molochs “Too Lost in Love” The Two Tens “Nerve Damage!” The Soft White Sixties “The Overpass” Yacht Punk “A Dog of Dogs for a Ghost” Facial “Black Noise” Lean “Years” Josiah and the Bonnevilles “Please” Draemings “Siamese Flame” Nightmare Air “Fade Out” The Ugly Sweaters “A La Mode” Twin Temple “Sex Magick” Echo Park rising special next week ft. Twin Temple next week! Check out our spotify playlist here: