Crazy Sh*t In Real Estate With Leigh Brown

Crazy Sh*t In Real Estate with Leigh Brown - Episode #11 with Sharon Mcrill



Summary: If you’ve been in real estate long enough, there’s a good chance you’ve run headlong into a hoarders—hoarders are everywhere!—and your next client could be one. Listen as today’s guest Sharon McRill shares her outrageous experiences with hoarders—from finding a single ruby earring in a room with piled up stock perspectives, to discovering photos from the 1930s and tracking down the original owner. Please subscribe to this podcast in iTunes or in the Podcasts App on your phone. Never miss a beat from Leigh by visiting The Leigh Brown Experience. Time Stamped Show Notes: 00:30 – Introducing Sharon McRill 00:41 – Sharon is the owner and founder of Betty Brigade 00:58 – Sharon works with hoarders 01:43 – You have no idea what you’ll find in a hoarder home 02:18 – Sharon got hired to an estate sale inside the house and get all the stuff out 02:32 – Her client hoarded stock perspectives from 1960s until she died in the 2000s 03:02 – There were two rooms full of perspectives 03:11 – The crazy part? The