Crazy Sh*t In Real Estate With Leigh Brown

Crazy Sh*t In Real Estate with Leigh Brown - Episode #32 with Jennifer Langston



In this episode, Leigh interviews Jennifer Langston from Kansas City, Missouri. Jennifer shares her disheartening experience with an “incarcerated listing” and the events that unfolded that caused her to lose the listing.  Listen as Jennifer discusses how this entire process changed Jennifer and her business practices to better prepare for “the worst scenario”.    Please subscribe to this podcast in iTunes or in the Podcasts App on your phone. Never miss a beat from Leigh by visiting The Leigh Brown Experience.   Time Stamped Show Notes:   00:21 – Introduction for today’s episode  00:30 – Introducing Jennifer Langston from Kansas City, Missouri  00:39 – Leigh knew Jennifer from the internet, then they met in a senior citizen’s center  01:20 – Jennifer shares about an incarcerated listing  01:36 – Jennifer found out along the way that the seller was in jail  01:50 – The listing was a 1900s farmhouse, in Kansas, that needed a lot of work  02:21 – In Jennifer’s 20 years in the business, the farm