Crazy Sh*t In Real Estate With Leigh Brown

Crazy Sh*t In Real Estate with Leigh Brown - Episode #35 with Veronica Figueroa



In this episode, Leigh welcomes Veronica Figueroa, a realtor based in Orlando, Florida to the Crazy $hit stage! Veronica will talk about her crazy encounters with squatters, agents gone rogue, and agents who flat-out can’t control their temper when they sale goes south. She will also share her most important insights and advice for dealing with foreclosures, short-sales, and possible recessions.  Please subscribe to this podcast in iTunes or in the Podcasts App on your phone. Never miss a beat from Leigh by visiting The Leigh Brown Experience. Time Stamped Show Notes:  00:27 – Introducing Veronica Figueroa 01:01 – Veronica is based in Orlando, Florida and she’s been doing real estate since 2001 01:08 – Contact the Figueroa Team at 01:43 – Every day you experience more crazy shit in real estate 02:10 – All people in real estate can definitely share a story or two 02:43 – People don’t realize that squatters are a real issue 03:22 – Realtors wear many hats 04:31 – Veronica’s squatter storie