

Winterpocalypse 2017 rolled through Raleigh, NC this weekend and we got a ridiculous .5" of snow that brought the city to it's knees once again. Once again, I'm just shocked at how folks knew the storm was coming, and were just completely unprepared.  After the snow and ice came, most of the roads were slippery and folks down here aren't skilled in driving with anything more than a little water on the roads, so for the most part people were staying put at home, which was probably a good decision. However, Friday night I decided to go find some steaks and the grocery store was PACKED. Shelves were literally empty, people were in lines as long as the store was, and they had carts filled to the max. Thankfully, I got some steaks, and was able to slip out through the self-checkout without waiting in line.  So, here's my challenge to you: whether you live in a place like I do, where we lose power if someone sneezes too hard, or if you're in a place that's pretty stable, have enough food and water on hand to last y