Night-light Radio

Night-Light with Fritz Zimmerman



It is truely an honor to have author Fritz Zimmernam with us tonight, he writes and speaks to topics that really resonate with me and my spirit. Independent researcher, author and antiquities preservationist Fritz Zimmerman, B.A. presents 10 years of research in his two-volume work, The Nephilim Chronicles. It is the most complete reporting of ALL of the giant skeletons unearthed throughout the ages from across the globe. The Nephilim Chronicles: Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley (Volume I) trails the origins of the “Bedrock Race”, debunking Beringia, providing undeniable evidence and outlining – completely – the Nephilim’s migration across the globe, as chronicled by mounds and earthworks they built and symbolism they used. Those seeking factual, historical data on information such as: who really built Stonehenge, and many other earthworks throughout the world most complete list of giant skeletons and artifacts – none have chronicled this many origins of New Age beliefs – how pre-Native American