Monster Party




MONSTER PARTY SEDUCES THE INNOCENT! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, celebrate HALLOWEEN with a salute to those funny books that weren't always so funny. We're talking about the petrifying pulp periodicals, better known as... HORROR COMICS!!! In this episode, we provide an abbreviated history of horror comics, including the intense persecution they suffered. With E.C.  books like TALES FROM THE CRYPT, THE HAUNT OF FEAR, and VAULT OF HORROR, horror comics went from being bestsellers, to the targets of moral crusaders. They were blamed for almost every societal woe imaginable. Sex! Drugs! Juvenile delinquency! Let's face it, Archie Andrews had it easy. Eventually, things lightened up for horror comics, and they slowly shed the tarnish of controversy. WARREN PUBLISHING bucked the restrictive Comics Code, with magazines like CREEPY, EERIE, and VAMPIRELLA. And with mainstream comics that included TOMB OF DRACULA, WEREWOLF BY NIGHT, SWAMP THING, and WEIRD WAR TALES, horror characters s