Katania Taylor Radio

Interview with Laura Howe RN on Gluten Sensitivity and Real Food Nutrition



Katania interviews Laura Howe RN. Laura has been a real foods and Paleo nutrition student and advocate for about 5 years. As a nurse, the out-of-the-box thinking that the Real Foods and Functional Medicine paradigm presented was something that rattled her world a bit. She plunged head first into studying and training in order to solve some issues she and her family were having with their health. Her experience and education make Laura a wonderful resource for anyone interested in learning more about gluten related health issues, real food nutrition and Paleo cooking. She is currently working toward an on-line health coaching business where she will bring her years of nursing experience together with her vast nutrition and funcitonal knowledge of the body and our modern health issues. You can find Laura on Facebook; Laura Howe Links we discussed today: robbwolf.com theglutenfreern.com kataniataylor.com/toolkit/