Stupid Wise Girl

Episode 62: The Most Epic Dating Advice With Trey From First Date Fix



I have been following Trey for some time now, and finally decided to interview him and ask him all kinds of dating questions!! How   to know if a man wants a serious relationship OR is he just trying to get in your pants! When  does a man know he is ready for a serious relationshipDoes the Woman have any influence over a man to get him readyWhat  are some fears that Men have around commitmentDo energies play a role in commitmentDo Men want  to pursue WomenWhy are we the generation of situation-shipsDo Women allow Men to get away with too muchPride and power in relationships When is the right time to have a conversation about your future togetherDo we understand marriages or are we trying to have a wedding partyWhat   can Women do to help a Man commit Why do Men keep coming back if they don't want commitment How  do we know a Man is worth a second chanceIs there such a thing as giving a Man too much spaceHow  to make sure its not just a sexual relationship Is there such a thing as being intimate too soonD