Sister Scriptorians

Ep 142: Still His Brethren in the Lord



Alma 17: 1-5Place yourself in the shoes of Alma, traveling from one city to another establishing the church, when there on the road are your old friends. After 14 years of not seeing each other, can you imagine the reunion of feelings these men must have had?But Alma rejoices when he discovers that the sons of Mosiah were still his brethren in the Lord.Have you been feeling a little lonely in your testimony lately? Voices of opposition are becoming not only louder, but closer to home for many of us. My hope is that we can, while still exercising Christlike love for those who disagree with our beliefs, build strong relationships with those who do. I invite you to join me this Wednesday, October 20th, at 10:30 am (MST) for a free webinar on the Tender Mercies of the Lord. To Register, click the link below.