Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Does Keto Cause Thyroid Problems? Keto & Hypothyroidism



Should you avoid the keto diet if you have thyroid problems? Will the ketogenic diet cause hypothyroidism or low thyroid function? The answer is maybe. I'm not a huge fan of keto for thyroid patients for a few reasons and we will be discussing those reasons below. Having said that, there is a time and a place for using the keto diet if you have thyroid problems. Will keto cause thyroid problems? Probably not, but it may trigger it in some people or make it worse in others. It’s not the keto causing it per se but it’s the fact that you were probably bordering on hypothyroidism anyway and that just happened to be the trigger. It’s also the case that some people who do keto with existing thyroid disease will get worse. Not most, not all, probably not the majority, but some. So that is a risk worth considering before you go on it. Some of the pros of the keto diet include: May cause rapid weight loss (sometimes but not always) Impact on insulin and blood sugar Treats depression, cognitive function, and