Insights With Trent Munday

The Best Branding Doesn’t Get You To Buy Today, But Tomorrow #1419



The best branding helps you form a relationship with the brand, after you already have the product in your hands. After you're already using it. As a result of that relationship and connection, you come back for more. That's exactly what happened to me with Sanatarium's Crunchy Peanut Butter recently. As I was scooping out the last little dollop of peanut butter from the jar, I noticed this cool little peanut character on the label, doing a crunch - like a sit up. Remember, this was Crunchy peanut butter. I hadn't even noticed that when I first bought the product. But now that I have, it's changed my relationship to the brand. Now, I see it as a fun brand, one that doesn't take itself too seriously. And it worked. Today when I went back to the supermarket to buy a new jar...I sought this brand out. In fact, as I picked it up, I even noticed a little smile crossed my face. That's great branding! #branding #brandawareness #brandidentity