Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

Entertaining Strangers, Entertaining Angels



God wants us to show hospitality to others so we can bring the love of God into the reality of our day-to-day lives. Sure, we are to love our friends, but Jesus was ever reaching out to the strangers and the most vulnerable, and he calls us to do the same—the poor, widows, orphans, refugees and those living far from God. When we are hospitable to strangers, we may be welcoming angels. We are certainly welcoming Jesus (Matthew 25:35). QUESTIONS 1. What is one thing that stood out to you from this week’s message? 2. What did the story of the Pastor Ken inviting Professor Rosaria into his home for a meal with his wife speak to you about the power of hospitality in leading to sharing the gospel? 3. Make a list of acquaintances. What is something you could do to meet their needs? What’s one small step you can take to be more hospitable? 4. What do you want to pray about after hearing this message of radically ordinary hospitality? 5. What can we do as a group to practice this command of hospitality? 6. How can we