Tj Morris Et Radio

Ascension Cosmos Oracles Corp Ministries on Spirit, ego vs. humility



Humanity of the world in progress with various groups of conscious mind dwellers. We will share our future expanse in our Ascension Cosmos Oracles Corp Ministries as Cyberspace Culture Community Club of Evangelists. Pastor Theresa J Morris and Pastor RIchard T Knight are sharing live conversations of their thought processes and how we communicate weekly. We are American Communications Online and filed a not-for-profit called Ascension Cosmos Oracles Corp in Florida, June, 2021 for this Sunday radio show. We share our points of views and editorials on life in general and our own community which is welcoming of all universal life pastors and our metaphysical community. We share messages of the heart and mind and cater to a group of people who have had near death experiences and understand we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Today, we will discuss the language of psychology and how we has human beings can learn to be more humble at sharing who we are. We are Life Coaches, practicing metaphysici