Maria's Bathtime Musings

86 Do you have a signature speech?



Are you a speaker who creates a customised presentation for every client or do you have a signature talk, a speech that you can recite from memory, that's perfected? There is no right or wrong answer.  Here are my thoughts: If you've found this useful you might find this week’s podcast interview Improv your Speaking Business with Neil Mullarkey, very helpful too - Neil is a unique communication expert. With Mike Myers he co-founded the Comedy Store Players, and still performs every Sunday with them in London. Neil was in a couple of Austin Powers movies. Nowadays he travels the world teaching improv and more to leaders and groups, as well as presentation skills.  His book, 'Seven Steps to Improve your People Skills' was published in 2017. And, yes, Mullarkey is his real name. Neil shares with us what improv is, how improv it can help us in life and business, why some people are scared of it and there's even some on air improv!