Operating A Profitable Restaurant

Top 5 Strategies Restaurant Owners Should Use To Reduce Impacts of Supply Chain Issues



The restaurant industry is facing major impacts from COVID with issues in the supply chain. The issues begin all the way at the top; from the growers/farmers facing labor challenges. It then travels down through the manufacturers. The manufacturers are having trouble with the roller coaster opening and closing of the economy, making it difficult to forecast properly. Next, it reaches the distributors who are dealing with limited truck drivers with new routes. This domino-like effect continues to rip its way through almost every industry, and business owners are having to pivot and adapt to make sure they can satisfy their clientele. With proper and strategic planning there are ways to mitigate the impacts of the supply chain issues. During this week's episode of The Tip Share, we break down 5 simple strategies in which restaurateurs can overcome the industry's latest obstacle. Watch the full Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdN789irIMM Read the full Blog Post: https://rasiusa.com/blog/top-strategie