Mettle Brain

Episode 25: M.M. Be Well



This episode is part of my monthly series, "Morning Musings" which means you are listening to me, Heather Miller.  In the future if you like these short 10 minute episodes, just look for M.M in the title of the podcast and you will know whether or not it's a Morning Musing. Today I discuss one of my favorite messages on love that J.K. Rowling weaves into the book, "Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix." I finished this with my kids last week on a camping trip. Through her characters, Rowling explains that it's your capacity to love that is your greatest gift, and that it is this very gift that will bring suffering. This pain is part of being human. Truthfully, I felt so overcome with emotion. I can't remember the last time I have cried from such a deep place. I wanted to share this beautiful message. I encourage anyone who doubts their inherent goodness to listen to this episode. Sometimes we get flipped on our heads and forget who we are, our pain can help lead us back