She Can. She Did.

Episode 1 - Alice Benham, "Accidental Entrepreneur" and Digital Marketing Coach



To set the scene for this episode, I'd initially planned to interview Alice in a random meeting room that I'd booked in Farringdon. It was the first ever podcast recording, I had all this new recording gear (that I was still trying to work out how to use) and was determined that I'd get the series of to a smooth start. When we arrived at said meeting room however, a meeting was going on next door that was so, unbelievably noisy that I ended up calling one of my best friends that I used to work with pre-launching She can. She did. (I knew that her new office was around the corner) and after a quick/desperate beg over the phone at my end, Alice and I packed up shop, legged it down the road and arrived at Lizzie's office (thank you Lizzie!), hijacking one of her boss's glass-fronted meeting booths for this recording. *cue the sweats* Thankfully though, after a quick catch up, the two of us calmed down, the mic was switched on and episode one of the She can. She did. podcast was born! Chatting about everything fr